I can hardly contain myself this cool Halloween morning as I filter the week’s news and tips. It’s scary how much great new stuff is happening in the word of online marketing. Below are some tricks and treats that will hopefully keep you on the edge of your seat like an 11 year old at a horror flick double feature.
Google Artificial Intelligence is here
Google RankBrain is used for vague or unique questions Google has not previously seen.
“According to Google, brand new queries make up to 15% of all searches a day and as Search Engine Land pointed out, Google processes 3bn searches per day, which means that 450m per day are entirely unique in nature.” Says Christopher Ratcliff of Search Engine Watch
Is this Skynet from the Terminator for search or a natural progression of using data and machine learning to improve our lives?
Google Embraces Podcasting
The Google Play Store will soon have a podcast portal. Podcasting is booming and is here to stay. Using transcripts of your podcasts can be a great way to add Google Hummingbird friendly text content to your site.
Interviewing experts helps you be seen as an expert yourself and generate links. Doing a weekly show and promoting it via social media, email and paid social ads, as a well as encouraging subscribers and reviews, can help your podcast go from good to great.
Penguin Real-Time
Looks like Google is continuing to say Penguin Real-Time updates will happen by the end of the year. If you are stuck in Penguin purgatory from bad links, this is great news.
2015 trends in digital marketing
Check out this cool infographic about the trends in digital marketing.
Mobile and video are considered “the future of marketing” and Facebook ad spends dwarfs others.
Facebook is supposedly a waste of time yet dominates social ad spend
Copyblogger ditched their Facebook page since it didn’t do enough for them compared to the effort to manage it and this article shows how Facebook marketing could be a waste of time.
While our agency is less Facebook obsessed than many internet marketing experts, I do concede it’s the first place we go – along with LinkedIn – to buy sponsored posts. What do you think, given the infographic above shows Facebook raining supreme and articles like this, show how other networks may give you better engagement and ROI with certain demographics?
Another cool source of weekly marketing news
I love weekly roundups and here is another roundup of online marketing news from Social Media Examiner.
Google Patent: Google Authoritative Rank
Bill Slawski of SEO by the Sea wrote a great post recently about a new Google Authoritative Rank patent and quoted the following excerpt.
“An authoritative user is a user of one or more computer-implemented services (e.g., a social networking service) that has been determined to be authoritative (e.g., an expert) on one or more topics that can be associated with one or more queries”
The patent is titled: Showing prominent users for information retrieval requests
Bill gave an example of a phrase being tied to an author, which is essentially what this patent does. When we think of “Green eggs and ham” we think of Dr Suess or the author Ted Geisel.
Maybe we need a SeussRank to identify the silliest people?
This patent no longer makes Google+ a necessary part of their process of identifying authors, which is an interesting change.
Clearly we have not seen the end of Google tracking authors as a major part of why pages rank.
Cool digital marketing tools
By definition, to Blab is to “reveal secrets by indiscreet talk”. That sorta makes this new tool even more sexy. Mashable says Blab video chat app is like Periscope for groups of friends.
I found a nice Blab chat with Bill Slawski of SEO by the sea to get me started researching the usefulness of the tool and I was pleasantly surprised.
Bulk web page word count checker
If you had not heard, search metrics in their ranking factors study says that the length of the average ranking inner page of a website went from just over 900 words in 2014 to 1,140 words in 2015.
Here is a nifty bulk web page word count checker. Throw in the top ten ranking pages for one of your most desired search terms and see how long the pages are that do well and test emulating that, instead of merely listening to a committee say how long your pages should be. That is if rankings are important to you…
BuzzSumo Content Alerts
Set up alerts for keywords, authors and domains using BuzzSumo Content Alerts and keep on top of new and trending content.
Entrepreneurs take note: Dell XPS 12/13/15 laptops
I have been looking for the last year for the ultimate Ultrabook. I found what I want and just need to decide on either the XPS 13 with 16 GB of ram or the tablet / convertible style XPS 12 with a max of 8 GB ram.
Keeping up with the fast pace of online marketing can be scary but the rewards are great. The tools and news above can help save you time and get right down to business with what is important.
No amount of digital fairy dust can save you in a world where you need to keep it real and show off expertise. Rely on ghastly black hat techniques and your marketing will be as empty as a picture of ghosts eating marshmallows in a snowstorm.